Windows 8 Errors

I’ve been getting a lot of weird errors on my Windows 8 install. Amlost as if the drive is corrupt and lots of DLLs are broken. Random things such as not being able to ope the firewal properties. Not being able to change network connections. The services windows shows “failed to read description. error code 2”. I can’t uninstall anything either! Sounds like a virus. However after a bit of googling it seems to point to AMD / ATI’s “Driver cleanup utlity”. It looks like this does not work on windows 8. Hopefully you ahve a recent restore point and revert, I didn’t and am having to do a repair in stall by running setup fro the CD and “upgrading” my win 8 to win 8.

Some links are here

Force Nexus Android Update

Want to force your Nexus to update to the latest version of Android, yet when you check it constantly say you have it? One way to do this is to wait… the other is to go to Settings>Apps>All. Find “Google services framework”. Force stop it then clear the data. After that got to the check for updates page. It should say last checked in 1970. Check for updates again and hopefully it will be there. I had to do this about 5 times before it worked, so you may have to too