Intel ATM and SCCM

I hate this. I can’t figure out how it works. It will install fine sometimes, and then not others. So far, after various amounts of fiddling I think I have it running. You’ll get the odd error messages, kerberos authentication will randomly work or not… But I think I’m in a happy place now.

Anyway, I plan to add error messages to this post that you may hit. So far, I’ve modified the task sequence so that error 42 is considered a success. This just indicates it didn’t have permission to save the log file for whatever reason. Another one I’ve seen is:
(0xc0002823). Call to function failed. DNS name does not exist. (0xc0000018)
The error code at the end actually means the exact opposite and that there are two IP addresses in DNS for this computer. This happens with us as people often connect via VPN which is in a different range. Delete the offending IP from DNS and try it again.

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